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The Hobby Lobby Moot Court


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hobby-lobby-moot-courtHugh Hewitt Blog:

Hugh Hewitt





On Wednesday I hosted Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of the the University of California School of Law and Dean John Eastman, dean emeritus of Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law in a broadcast “moot court” of the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods cases, which will be heard before the Supreme Court on 3/25. Both men are experienced Supreme Court litigators, and both are fundamentally opposed on how the cases ought to be decided. Listening and/or reading is excellent preparation for the actual case argument which will again pit Solicitor General Donald Verrilli against former Solicitor General Paul Clement and his colleagues in a replay of the first Obamacare argument and decision of two years ago. The audio and * transcript of the moot court are posted below.





* No Transcript...yet




(Note: They are not called The Smart Guys for nothing...enjoy)

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