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Potomac Fever Is Not Self-Healing


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If Barack Obama had left half as many fingerprints on the pages of a basic Macro Economics text book as he has left on American wallets, we would all be in a much better place today. Though great is the lament of those who have at least a passing knowledge of history, and have either seen or been a part of the utopian march as it smothered human initiative from Eastern Europe to Cuba, and from Pyongyang to Detroit, one thing can be said. The man is a true believer.


That his belief is antithetical to the American Founding is as self evident as 50 million Americans on food stamps six years into his presidency, or the lowest labor participation rate since the Great Depression.


Only a true believer could profess knowledge of America's founding, -- knowledge embodied in the admonition from the author of the Declaration of Independence that, "To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father's has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, … is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association…" -- and look a plumber in the eye and extoll the virtues of spreading his earnings. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://ricochet.com/content/view/full/506


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