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Roe v. Wade: Technology swaying opinions about legalized abortions, anti-abortionist says


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roe_v_wade_technology_swaying.htmlThe Patriot News:

Jan Murphy



The first time she made the trip to Washington, D.C., to participate in the March for Life Micaiah Bilger was only 5.

She sat atop her dad’s shoulders and recalls looking out over the sea of people that filled the National Mall who gathered to mark an anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.

To her young eyes, the gathering of so many people around an issue that she didn’t really understand at the time left quite an impression.

“I didn’t know why we were but I knew we wanted to be there to help women and help babies. And I knew it was important and it carried through the rest of my life,” said Bilger, 28, of Mifflintown, who serves as education director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.


On Wednesday, Bilger will be making the trip again.




While national polls show Americans are fairly evenly divided on the issue (see below), Bilger said today’s technology is working in favor of those who oppose abortions particularly mid-term ones. In Pennsylvania, she noted abortions are legal up to the 24th week of pregnancy.


“Modern technology is allowing for babies to be born and survive earlier and earlier on and so there’s really this kind of problem that people have because here we’re saving really premature babies at 22 and 23 weeks and these babies can also be aborted,” Bilger said. “It just doesn’t make sense why we are saving some and killing others.”




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19 Beautiful Reminders Why Americans March for Life Today

Kelsey Harris

January 22, 2014


Today, tens of thousands of people from around the country will gather in Washington to brave the cold for a cause they believe in. Some are marching for the first time, and others have been traveling to the nations capital since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. For the 41st year, theyll meet again for the same reason the sanctity of life.


Were also celebrating life today, and we hope you will, too. Here are 19 moving reminders of the beauty of new life:





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And now This from Salon.....


So what if abortion ends life?[/i]

I believe that life starts at conception. And it's never stopped me from being pro-choice

Mary Elizabeth Williams


Of all the diabolically clever moves the anti-choice lobby has ever pulled, surely one of the greatest has been its consistent co-opting of the word life. Life! Who wants to argue with that? Who wants be on the side of not-life? Thats why the language of those who support abortion has for so long been carefully couched in other terms. While opponents of abortion eagerly describe themselves as pro-life, the rest of us have had to scramble around with not nearly as big-ticket words like choice and reproductive freedom. The life conversation is often too thorny to even broach. Yet I know that throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me. I believe thats what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesnt make me one iota less solidly pro-choice.





My belief that life begins at conception is mine to cling to. And if you believe that it begins at birth, or somewhere around the second trimester, or when the kid finally goes to college, thats a conversation we can have, one that I hope would be respectful and empathetic and fearless. We cant have it if those of us who believe that human life exists in utero are afraid were somehow going to flub it for the cause. In an Op-Ed on Why Im Pro-Choice in the Michigan Daily this week, Emma Maniere stated, quite perfectly, that [url=http://www.michigandaily.com//blog/feminine-critique-why-im-pro-choice]Some argue that abortion takes lives, but I know that abortion saves lives, too. She understands that it saves lives not just in the most medically literal way, but in the roads that women who have choice then get to go down, in the possibilities for them and for their families. And I would put the life of a mother over the life of a fetus every single time even if I still need to acknowledge my conviction that the fetus is indeed a life. A life worth sacrificing.







While I am personally opposed to slavery I would never think to impose my beliefs on anyone else.

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The Beautiful and Efficient Anatomy of Pregnancy

Alexander Tsiaras



I have spent most of the last decade focusing on the marvels of developmental biology -- "the study of how multicellular organisms develop from immature forms into an adult." I study this using scientific visualization technologies that my team at TheVisualMD have developed. It's almost impossible to express how privileged I've felt to watch the process of conception to birth, as genetic mechanisms dynamically instruct each fetal cell of where to go and what to become.






All together now.....Its Just A Clump Of Cells.

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Forty- one years and 55 million lives slaughtered, all in the name of choice


Why Not Celebrate ‘Life Before Birth’?


By John Lillpop (Bio and Archives) Tuesday, January 21, 2014

When the U.S. Supreme Court sanctioned abortion on demand in 1973, the seven justices who voted in favor became party to a human rights violation of monumental proportions.

55 million human lives have been exterminated through abortion in the United States since the court issued a death warrant for the unborn.

Forty- one years and 55 million lives slaughtered, all in the name of “choice.” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/60616

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A Culture of Life

By Patrick J. DeneenJanuary 22, 2014, 4:54 AM

Today marks the 41st anniversary of the national legalization of abortion in the United States. Thousands will march on the Mall and in the streets of Washington D.C. in protest of this decision, braving frigid temperatures and a blanket of snow to express their profound moral objection to Roe v. Wade and lamenting the estimated 55 million young lives that were legally extinguished since January 22, 1973.

The March for Life has become a rallying point for the pro-life movement, an annual pilgrimage of sorts, especially for young people who gather together to affirm a bedrock belief: the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Even amid the overwhelming sense of tragedy and loss that draws them to D.C., in order, it is hoped, to effect a change, there is also a sense of affirmation and even celebration in the company of many others who are also so firmly committed, who gather to defend a belief that is today dismissed and mocked by cultural elites and cognoscenti (including the governor of New York, purportedly a Catholic), who find joy in the fellowship of so many companions who stand for life. As one friend posted on Facebook, “the Tribe is together.” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.theamericanconservative.com/a-culture-of-life/

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Attitudes about abortion

Karlyn Bowman, Jennifer K. Marsico

January 16, 2014


The abortion issue commands enormous media coverage in elections, in legislative actions, and in court decisions. Yet, as this comprehensive collection of polls from the 1970s to today shows, the attention does not seem to be moving the public opinion needle. Americans views remain consistent and deeply ambivalent. Among the key findings of this updated AEI Public Opinion Study:




I am really confused

Article Highlights


Most Americans believe simultaneously that abortion is murder or morally wrong and that the decision to have an abortion should be a personal choice.

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The dignity of life

By: John Hayward | January 22nd, 2014 at 04:24 PM


Dr. Ben Carson writes movingly of his “view on the sanctity of life,” relating two of the incidents from his medical career that led him to conclude that “the thought of abortion for convenience is repugnant.”


Several years ago, I was consulted by a young woman who was 33 weeks pregnant and was on her way to Kansas get an abortion. I informed her of the multiple options available to her outside of abortion and she decided to go through with the pregnancy even though the child had hydrocephalus and required neurosurgical intervention after birth a few weeks later. She kept the baby and loves the beautiful child that has resulted.


A couple of decades ago, I came into the pediatric Intensive Care Unit on morning rounds and was told about a four-year-old girl who had been hit by an ice cream truck, and was comatose and exhibiting little neurological function other than reactive pupils. I tested her pupillary reflexes and both pupils were fixed and dilated. The staff indicated to me that this is something that must have just occurred. I grabbed the bed and with some help, transported her quickly to the operating room for an emergency craniotomy. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/2014/01/22/the-dignity-of-life/

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22 Jan

The War on Babies: A Former Fetus Speaks Out

By: Wordsmith



The reason for the silly title? The annoyance of seeing “War on Women” flash across a tv screen (MSNBC), earlier this morning as Roe v. Wade was being discussed by talking heads.

On the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I happened to read Hot Air linked in the Most Wanted section of FA: snip http://floppingaces.net/2014/01/22/the-war-on-babies-a-former-fetus-speaks-out/

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22 Jan

Obama: Abortion means everyone gets to “fulfill their dreams”

Ed Morrissey:


“Everyone”? Well, not exactly, but only if you think for more than a few seconds about human biology and the consequences of abortion. The White House put out this statementtoday hailing Roe v Wade on its 41st anniversary:




Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decision’s guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health. We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a woman’s access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom. And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.


I beg to differ on behalf of the 55 million whose opportunities for freedom and dreams got sucked out existence when the same thing happened to them. The core value of the freedom to life was denied those millions of victims. Abortion is literally the antithesis of that final sentence, and a horrid parody of reality for “all our children.” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://floppingaces.net/most_wanted/obama-abortion-means-everyone-gets-to-fulfill-their-dreams/

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22 Jan

Obama: Abortion means everyone gets to fulfill their dreams

Ed Morrissey:


Everyone? Well, not exactly, but only if you think for more than a few seconds about human biology and the consequences of abortion. The White House put out this statementtoday hailing Roe v Wade on its 41st anniversary:




Today, as we reflect on the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, we recommit ourselves to the decisions guiding principle: that every woman should be able to make her own choices about her body and her health. We reaffirm our steadfast commitment to protecting a womans access to safe, affordable health care and her constitutional right to privacy, including the right to reproductive freedom. And we resolve to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, support maternal and child health, and continue to build safe and healthy communities for all our children. Because this is a country where everyone deserves the same freedom and opportunities to fulfill their dreams.


I beg to differ on behalf of the 55 million whose opportunities for freedom and dreams got sucked out existence when the same thing happened to them. The core value of the freedom to life was denied those millions of victims. Abortion is literally the antithesis of that final sentence, and a horrid parody of reality for all our children. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://floppingaces.net/most_wanted/obama-abortion-means-everyone-gets-to-fulfill-their-dreams/



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