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Obama Should Make Ending Wars His Legacy


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obama-should-make-ending-wars-his-legacyThe American Conservative:

Obama Should Make Ending Wars His Legacy


By Patrick J. BuchananJanuary 21, 2014, 1:48 AM


“He ended one war and kept us out of any other,” is the tribute paid President Eisenhower.


Ike ended the Korean conflict in 1953, refused to intervene to save the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, and, rather than back the British-French-Israeli invasion, ordered them all out of Egypt in 1956.


Ending America’s longest wars may prove to be Barack Obama’s legacy.

For, while ending wars without victory may not garner from the historians’ the accolade of “great” or “near great,” it is sometimes the duty of a president who has inherited a war the nation no longer wishes to fight.

That was Nixon’s fate, as well as Ike’s, and Obama’s.


And as we look back at our interventions in the 21st century, where are the gains of all our fighting, bleeding and dying?


We know the costs—8,000 dead, 40,000 wounded, $2 trillion in wealth sunk. But where are the benefits? ohmy.png

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Dear Mr. Buchanan


Thank you very much for your input. Rest assured I will give it a the consideration it so richly merits.



PS say hello to the ladies at Code Pink for me.

Edited by Valin
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