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The Despotism of ‘Choice’


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despotism-%E2%80%98choice%E2%80%99The American Spectator: The real thing would require selflessness.

William Murchison



The Little Sisters of the Poor, a 175-year-old Catholic order of nuns that cares for the elderly poor, believes itself to enjoy a constitutional right to exemption from a federal mandate hazardous to the orders self-understanding.


The mandate, under Obamacare, is either to cover contraceptives and abortifacients for employees or to hand off coverage to the Little Sisters insurance carrier. The nuns oppose all artificial means of birth control.


Well, so what? The Department of Health and Human Services thinks its being nice by allowing a religious institution to sign a document saying basically, Ooooooohhh, birth control, bad! so, gee, thanks, insurance carrier, for hiding the ball in our behalf. The Little Sisters insist, in a lawsuit filed by their Denver chapter, that farming out the job to another party implicates them in the action they oppose.


The governments very odd way of prioritizing values free contraceptive devices measured as a higher good than any moral understanding possibly planted by God is characteristic of our times. Secular political ideals regularly trump religious scruples. Made in Washington, D.C. is a stronger product endorsement these days than Thus saith the Lord.







I Am Not A Blob of Tissue

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