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Poll: Undecided 2014 Voters Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Obamacare


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poll-nearly-twothirds-of-undecided-2014-voters-disapprove-of-obamacare-n1773796Town Hall:

Scissors-32x32.pngOverall, a majority of likely voters disapprove of the Democrats' law by a double-digit margin, but opposition is particularly strong among self-identified undecided and independent voters. TMC's nationwide poll includes some additional mention-worthy nuggets:


- On the generic Congressional ballot, 53 percent of likely voters say they'd support a "Republican who will be a check and balance to Barack Obama," while 47 percent prefer a "Democrat who will help Obama pass his agenda." That's a six-point GOP edge. Among independents, Republicans hold a 30-point lead on this question.

- Eighty-seven percent of respondents say the "Affordable" Care Act will not make their coverage more affordable, with nearly six in ten predicting higher costs as a result of the law.

- Question: "Has the government's implementation of the 1010 health care law...made you more confident in the government's ability to address problems in the health care sector, less confident, or...no effect either way?" Twenty percent (virtually all Democrats) say more confident, while fully 56 percent say less confident -- including two-thirds of independents. This speaks to my point about Obamacare failing much faster than pro-single-payer Democrats may have hoped.Scissors-32x32.png

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