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Government offers new approach to classroom discipline


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The Obama administration is issuing new recommendations on classroom discipline that seek to end the apparent disparities in how students of different races are punished for violating school rules.


Civil rights advocates have long said that a "school-to-prison" pipeline stems from overly zealous school discipline policies targeting black and Hispanic students that bring them out of school and into the court system.


Attorney General Eric Holder said the problem often stems from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that too often inject the criminal justice system into the resolution of problems. Zero tolerance policies, a tool that became popular in the 1990s, often spell out uniform and swift punishment for offenses such as truancy, smoking or carrying a weapon. Violators can lose classroom time or become saddled with a criminal record.


"Ordinary troublemaking can sometimes provoke responses that are overly severe, including out of school suspensions, expulsions and even referral to law enforcement and then you end up with kids that end up in police precincts instead of the principal's office," Holder said.Scissors-32x32.png

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DOJ Wants to Know 'Race, Sex, Disability, Age and English-Learner Status' of Misbehaving Students


CNSNews.com) - The Obama administration, concerned that "zero tolerance" policies are sending too many students to court instead of the principal's office, on Wednesday urged schools to back off -- particularly in the case of minority students and other federally protected groups.

"Racial discrimination in school discipline is a real problem today," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who joined Attorney General Eric Holder in speaking about the new guidance. Holder said "students of color and those with disabilities" often receive "different and more severe punishment than their peers."

While the nation's schools are under local control, they must follow federal civil rights and disability laws. And the new guidance for the nation's schools could subject more of those schools to federal discrimination lawsuits. In fact, the crackdown already is happening, as CNSNews.com previously reported.



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Obama administration guidelines could lead to racial quotas in school discipline


How discipline is doled out in the classroom now will be under much closer scrutiny by the federal government, but some analysts say the Obama administration’s efforts ultimately may backfire and could lead to de facto racial quotas in American schools.


The Education Department and the Justice Department on Wednesday issued new “guidance” to ensure minority students aren’t punished through suspension, expulsion or other means more than their white peers. The administration cited legal authority under Titles IV and VI in offering detailed rules for how school districts can administer discipline.


It’s part of a larger effort — backed by teachers unions, civil rights advocacy groups and other organizations — to combat the “school-to-prison pipeline,” in which minority students are disproportionately kicked out of school and subsequently end up in the criminal justice system.

But within its guidance, most of which is not controversial and merely reinforces existing nondiscrimination laws, the administration also declares that schools’ disciplinary policies cannot have a “disparate impact” on one particular group.Scissors-32x32.png



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Putting the Chill on Discipline


The Associated Press, via Breitbart, reports that Attorney General Eric Holder wants public schools to back off zero tolerance policies that he alleges discriminates against minority students. Putting a chill on discipline and stymieing schools from ousting miscreants means lots of public schools -- particularly inner-city ones -- will do even less educating.

Holder 's guidelines aim at halting "targeting minorities," but, practically, will accomplish defining deviancy downward yet again in urban minority-dominated schools -- that's mostly black and Hispanic kids from broken families and single-parent households.

The A.G.'s guidelines are another tacit admission that there are enormous dysfunctions in poorer minority communities that liberal prescriptions can't arrest and change. In place of reality-based solutions and constructive engagement, Holder -- on behalf of the president -- desires to excuse liberal urban failures by rationalizing and dismissing near- or outright criminal behavior on the part of minority students.Scissors-32x32.png



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So are they going to punish the "over represented" groups getting into trouble less, or make up punishments for the relatively less troublesome groups to make things equal?

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The 'overachievers' should be punished for 'overachieving for making the 'underachievers' feel inferior. The 'underachievers' should be rewarded with iPods or iPhones etc. because 'underachieving' is not their fault and unfair and the fault of the 'overachievers' for 'overachieving'.rolleyes.gifblink.pngtongue.png

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The 'overachievers' should be punished for 'overachieving for making the 'underachievers' feel inferior. The 'underachievers' should be rewarded with iPods or iPhones etc. because 'underachieving' is not their fault and unfair and the fault of the 'overachievers' for 'overachieving'.rolleyes.gifblink.pngtongue.png

Well then to prepare them all for adulthood in the USA, they should take the overachievers iPods and iPhones and give them to the underachievers. A more realistic demonstration of how things will work.

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Undisciplining Kids Through 'Restorative Justice'


Re-education: Under new federal guidelines for reforming "discriminatory" school discipline, the disruptive will learn quickly that their teachers must now tolerate even more disruptive behavior.


This is about the only learning that will be going on, especially in inner-city schools, once this insane policy is fully implemented.


This week the Education Department warned the nation's school administrators it's not a good idea to remove unruly kids from the classroom. What about the violent ones? Suspend them only as a "last resort." Think twice about even sending them to the principal, and whatever you do, don't call the cops.


Obama's educrats say minorities bear the brunt of these "draconian" practices. And based on statistics they've cooked up showing racial "disparities" in punishment, they smell school racism on a national scale.Scissors-32x32.png



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Experts slam DOJ letter telling schools to implement race-based punishments


Education experts decried a new memo from the Departments of Justice and Education that instructs public schools throughout the country to cease punishing disruptive students if they fall into certain racial categories, such as black or Hispanic.


The letter, released on Wednesday, states that it is a violation of federal law for schools to punish certain races more than others, even if those punishments stem from completely neutral rules. For example, equal numbers of black students and white students should be punished for tardiness, even if black students are more often tardy than white students.



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