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Dude, where are my sunspots?


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dude_where_are_my_sunspots.htmlAmerican Thinker:

Welcome to Solar Maximum! Sorry, it turns out to not be much of a solar maximum. Not only is it a weak solar maximum, but it's late. It was supposed to be here back in 2011. But what can we say about natural events? Just when you think you have them figured out, along comes reality and we're back to the drawing board.

We have been following the solar cycle, off and on, since March of 2010 here, with a follow up in February of 2013 here. To summarize, we proposed a hypothesis that (1) as sunspot activity increased global temperatures would increase, and (2) that AGW proponents would hail the increase in temperatures as proof positive that the Earth is warming and that it's our fault because CO2 levels would continue to increase.

However, lackluster solar activity ensued, and the Earth stayed pretty much the same temperature. The one may or may not have been related to the other, but since no significant warming resulted the AGW camp has not, as noted back in February, been making any extraordinary claims outside certain circles. Those circles mainly being people who want to believe that the Earth is warming and that it is the fault of humans.Scissors-32x32.png

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Dude, where are my sunspots?


How much is it worth to you to find them?


No worry, I will be finding them in about 4 weekswink.png

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