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Watch Dennis Rodman lose his marbles on CNN


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watch-dennis-rodman-lose-his-marbles-on-cnn-videoDaily Caller:

Dennis Rodman absolutely lost his s^#@ during an interview with CNN Tuesday morning.


The former NBA player and crazy person was talking to Chris Cuomo via satellite from North Korea where he is preparing to play a basketball game for his best friend Kim Jong-Un’s birthday.


Cuomo asked Rodman if he would take the opportunity to push the North Korean dictator to release the American Kenneth Bae, who has been detained in the country for more than a year on unknown charges. That’s when a visibly intoxicated and nonsensical Rodman lost his mind.Scissors-32x32.png


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Watch Dennis Rodman lose his marbles on CNN


Why? Will I learn something I didn't already know? ....ie. Rodman is someone who exhibits many of the qualities normally seen in a fool.

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