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Snowed In? Sign Up, Says HHS


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snowed-sign-says-hhsCNS News:

(CNSNews.com) – A snow day; Christmas dinner -- anytime is the right time to concentrate on health insurance, the Obama administration says. Particularly if you’re young and healthy.


On Friday evening, at the end of a “snow day” in the Northeastern United States, the Health and Human Services Department posted the following “get covered” reminder aimed at the Facebook crowd:


"SHARE THIS: A snow day is the perfect day to #GetCovered"


“Not Going Anywhere Today?” says the caption on a photo showing a snow-covered car and home. “Visit Healthcare.gov to #GetCovered.”


As CNSNews.com reported, first lady Michelle Obama, a week before Christmas, urged other “moms” and grandmothers to “make it a Christmas treat around the table to talk about a little health care.” She urged Americans to “ring in the new year” with “new coverage.”


The late-Friday reminder from HHS to “get covered” comes on a day when the widely read Drudge Report posted an article from a British newspaper, the Daily Mail, about problems for newly covered patients trying to get treatment at a northern Virginia hospital.



"Hey, who wants to sign up before they freeze?"

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