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MSNBC's Harris-Perry apologizes for mocking Romney over black grandchild


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?intcmp=latestnewsFox News:

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry apologized this morning amid a growing media storm over the way she and her guests made fun of Mitt Romney's adopted grandchild -- who happens to be black.


On her weekend show, the African-American host and her panelists started laughing almost immediately in the segment, in a way that made me cringe.


The object of their derision, cloaked as it was in pointed humor? A Romney family photo, with the grandchild perched on Romney's knee.


Hysterical, huh?


Yes, Harris-Perry kept cooing about how the baby was cute. The real target, for her and the guests, was Mitt.


As in, isn't it funny that this white Mormon with a white family would find among his clan a black baby.


Maybe it was supposed to be okay because the host is African-American. But I think the segment took a horribly wrong turn.


Harris-Perry apologized on Twitter, shortly after a demand by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus that she do so for her "disgusting" comments.


"I apologize to all families built on loving transracial adoptions who feel I degraded their lives or choices," she wrote.



Happy New Year from MSN-BS.

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BRUCE: Exposing liberal apologies, Palin and Romney shouldn’t forgive MSNBC hosts
Melissa Harris-Perry and Martin Bashir expose liberalism’s hatred, paranoia and cruelty

Tammy Bruce



Why are liberals becoming even more vile in their public discourse? I contend it’s a result, in part, of the fact that they get away with it, and they gain power as conservative leadership retreats from the ugliness. There have never been any serious consequences for liberal hate speech, threats and general cultural assault.


Conservatives, on the other hand, the target of that bile, act on their inherent decency and “forgive and forget.”

We’ve all watched with familiar astonishment some in the leftist media expressing their rank malice for conservatives with not just the usual horrid insults, but arguments for specific personal harm to be done, and the mocking of a child.


My concern is the reaction by high-profile conservatives who, after having been smeared in the most repugnant of ways, immediately accept the apologies of the liberals who slander them. This pattern needs to change.



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