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Cruz closes high-profile year by standing tall for efforts to gut ObamaCare


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?intcmp=latestnewsFox News:

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz -- on a host of short-lists for top 2013 news makers -- on Sunday defended himself and his plan to defund ObamaCare by shutting down the federal government.


“If you’re trying to change Washington, that’s the Washington establishment pushing back,” the Tea Party-backed Cruz told ABC’s “This Week."


In October, after barnstorming the country to garner public support for the defunding effort, Cruz helped convinced Republicans not to fund the federal government unless the deal was tied to big changes for President Obama’s signature health care law.


“You’ve got conservatives that stood strong and said 'Let's stop the train wreck that is ObamaCare,’ ” said the first-term senator and potential 2016 presidential candidate.


He also put the blame on Democrats by saying they wouldn’t negotiate.


“I think it was absolutely a mistake for President Obama and [senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid to force a government shutdown,” Cruz added.



No apologies.

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