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ObamaCare’s New Year’s Day Surprise: Deep Cuts to Medicare


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ObamaCare’s New Year’s Day Surprise: Deep Cuts to Medicare


Andrew Mangione


As if ObamaCare’s botched website, coverage cancellations, and higher costs were not bad enough, the Obama Administration has quietly dealt yet another blow – this time striking millions of the nation’s most vulnerable seniors. Specifically, the Obama Administration has decided to deeply cut funding for the Medicare program’s home health benefit as a way to help pay for ObamaCare.


The Administration made this announcement very quietly, waiting to do so until the very end of the last Friday before Thanksgiving, perhaps thinking that most people would not be looking.


To be sure, the timing of the Administration’s quiet announcement did keep it out of sight – for a while. That ended on December 12th, however, when the Washington Examiner broke the story in an article headlined “ObamaCare forcing 14 percent cut in Medicare’s home health program.” FOX News and the Daily Callerhave also picked up this story, so full attention is now being paid to this unprecedented cut – and the harm it will do to frail seniors across America.


As the Examiner’s Richard Pollock wrote, Scissors-32x32.png

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