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hot-under-collarAmerican Spectator:

The world now faces its 16th year of no global temperature increases after the 20th century’s one degree increase. Naturally, the faithfully devout believers in cataclysmic human induced “climate change,” formerly known as “global warming,” are digging in their heels, only reluctantly admitting the “pause,” if at all. Liberal religious activists, who specialize in transferring faith away from orthodox belief towards statist political empowerment, are among the most determined climate fundamentalists. There can be no heresy tolerated in the church of radical environmentalism.


A recent article in Jim Wallis’ Sojourners ignored the stall in global warming and instead plaintively asked: “WHY IS IT so hard for people to respond effectively to the reality of climate change?”


It helpfully listed five stages of “climate grief,” that include denial (“that the Earth is warming and that the warming is caused by humans”), anger (“that anyone should suggest that their lifestyle be changed”), bargaining (“by suggesting that ‘it won’t be all bad’”), depression (“at the almost unimaginable reality of the problem”), and acceptance (“enabling active exploration of solutions).


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