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House budget chief looks to tie Keystone to debt-ceiling vote


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193357-house-budget-chief-looks-to-tie-keystone-to-debt-ceilingThe Hill:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) suggested tying approval of the Keystone pipeline to raising the debt ceiling Monday night.


"We've never just done nothing," Ryan said on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, which was being guest-hosted by Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.), when asked how Republicans would handle the debt-ceiling negotiations. "We want to make sure that we’re taking steps in the direction of fiscal conservatism, of fiscal responsibility. I, for one, think we need to do more in the energy sector. I believe we need to approve Keystone pipeline.”


Ryan also said that removing some energy regulations could also be a step.

“If we just get the government out of the way, it could be a real renaissance of oil and gas exploration in America — lower our gas prices, stop sending this money to foreign countries,” he said. “It helps us with our foreign policy. So I think there are things we can do in our majority to leverage, to get some of that going as well.” Scissors-32x32.png

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