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‘Emerging Awareness’ Update: Remember the Texas Polygamy Teen Sex Cult?


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teen-sex-polygamy-cult-utah-courtThe Other McCain:

‘Emerging Awareness’ Update: Remember the Texas Polygamy Teen Sex Cult?


Posted on | December 14, 2013




You have perhaps forgotten the 2008 “underage sex cult” case in which Texas authorities seized 416 children at the Laredo compound of the polygamist Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). Facts I noted at the time were that (a) Texas led the nation in teen pregnacy, and (B) in 2005 Texas raised the legal age for marriage from 14 to 16, specifically because FLDS moved to Texas.


(Of course, every enlightened liberal believes society should be hostile toward groups with high teen pregnancy rates, right?)


There were layers of irony in Texas officials raiding the FLDS and seizing hundreds of children because — shockingly! — some of these teenagers were having sex and even giving birth, as if fundamentalist Mormon girls were the only teen mothers in Texas.


Once a society discards its own cultural traditions and abandons constitutional principles, the ultimate results are not “freedom,” “equality” and “social justice” but rather anarchy, conflict and decadence. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s “emerging awareness” doctrine, manufactured in order to abolish the Texas sodomy law in 2003, has had both intended and unintended consequences. Gosh, it seems like only yesterday, but it was in 2003, that Justice Antonin Scalia wrote this in his dissent:Scissors-32x32.png



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