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Ken Starr: No tolerance without Christianity


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4010181USA Today:

Christian persecution in the Middle East undermines hope for democracy.

Ken Starr



In a recent speech at Georgetown University, a British cabinet minister said some startling things about Christians in the Middle East:


"Across the world, people are being singled out and hounded out simply for the faith they hold. [Middle Eastern Christians] are rooted in their societies, adopting and even shaping local customs. Yet ... [a] mass exodus is taking place, on a Biblical scale. In some places, there is real danger that Christianity will become extinct."


Such a public expression of concern about Christians is unusual for a Western government official. This speech was particularly striking because it was delivered by a Muslim Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, a Brit born of Pakistani parents. Warsi understands better than most the costs to the Middle East if Christians flee.



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