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Rise of the Obama ‘Reich’


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55171Canada Free Press:

Sheltering in Place, IR"SS", Bis Sis, and Obama Youth


Rise of the Obama ‘Reich’


By Paula Helton (Bio and Archives) Monday, May 13, 2013


The time has come for Americans to stop bending to the will of the PC enablers and define the Obama Administration for what it is;

The Obama Reich. How else to describe the eerily similar parallels of Barack Obama and Adolph Hitler?

There are numerous comparisons to be made. In writing this, I focused on four of them.

Hitler Youth


When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already…What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”...Mein Kampf


An excerpt from a History Place article titled “Hitler’s Boy Soldiers - 1939-1945” gives us a chilling look at the Hitler Youth.


“From 1940 to 1945, about 2.8 million German children were sent to these camps. There were separate KLV camps for boys and girls. Some 5,000 camps were eventually in operation, varying greatly in sizes from the smallest which had 18 children to the largest which held 1,200. Each camp was run by a Nazi approved teacher and a Hitler Youth squad leader.


The camps replaced big city grammar schools, most of which were closed due to the bombing. Reluctant parents were forced to send their children away to the camps.


Life inside the boys’ camp was harsh, featuring a dreary routine of roll calls, paramilitary field exercises, hikes, marches, recitation of Nazi slogans and propaganda, along with endless singing of Hitler Youth songs and Nazi anthems. School work was neglected while supreme emphasis was placed on the boys learning to automatically snap-to attention at any time of the day or night and to obey all orders unconditionally “without any if or buts.” Scissors-32x32.png

Obama, however, has decided that our children must be indoctrinated at an even younger age as documented in this

, wherein he demands universal pre-school. Scissors-32x32.png
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When Arrogance Rules A Nation: When Government Feels Untouchable/The Ego Monster


They Suddenly Get Touched/You Are What You Eat


By: tomjeffersonsghost (Diary) | May 15th, 2013 at 11:26 AM


I love the movie the ‘Untouchables’ with Kevin Costner and Robert De Niro. De Niro and Sean Connery carried that film, and just added on to what was otherwise a very solid outing by Brian De Palma who by the way never gets the proper just due he deserves. I mean Mission Impossible was a great film and usually I’ve not been the biggest fan of Tom Cruise’s work, but he killed it in that movie. Carlito’s Way was alright, Sean Penn looked weird in that movie.


But anyway, you know often times when one obtains power one feels untouchable. It’s an age old epidemic that creeps into governments, empires, kingdoms, dynasties, crime families, and street gangs. From the most powerful king to the rebellious and brutal drug lords, the feeling of being untouchable compels men to do foolish things. Throughout history feeling “untouchable” has gotten many a man in power touched. As a long time fan of Mafia documentaries and documentaries on organized crime in general, I’ve learned about the end game for these urban emperors in expense suits: Death or jail, no in between; unless of course they become a rat. Scissors-32x32.png

Erick Erickson had it correct in his piece, President Obama did bring back the politics of personal destruction. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/tomjeffersonsghost/2013/05/15/when-arrogance-rules-a-nation-when-government-feels-untouchablethe-ego-monster/

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National Editorial: As new scandals show, people who love power are prone to abuse it


May 14, 2013 | 9:00 pm

Conservatives and liberals have long debated the most effective way to ensure accountability in government. Conservatives, who usually view human nature as inherently flawed, automatically distrust those exercising official power. Liberals, for whom the perfectibility of man is an article of faith, argue that government is inherently benevolent -- and that officials who would abuse their power are restrained by the threat of exposure.


Attorney General Eric Holder certainly did not intend to resolve that discussion one way or the other, but he may have inadvertently done so when he allowed a trusted subordinate to approve the Justice Department's subpoena of a massive collection of Associated Press telephone records. The subpoena covered 20 telephone lines, which were used by legions of AP reporters, editors and executives, over a two-month period. That included thousands of calls, many undoubtedly involving conversations between reporters and sources.Scissors-32x32.png



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Obama’s Rogue Union Board Dealt Major Setbacks


May 13, 2013 | Filed under Barack Obama,Congress,Constitutional Issues,corruption,Culture Of Corruption,Democrats,Law,Liberals,Unions | Posted by Warner Todd Huston

Upon coming to office, President Obama began using the obscure National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to give big payoffs to unions at the expense of business and to the detriment of our economic recovery but at last his incredible abuse of this agency is under scrutiny.


By and large, NLRB is not one of those Washington agencies that get much notice. In normal times, that wouldn’t be a big deal. The NLRB is a federal agency controlled from the White House that is supposed to act as an unbiased arbiter between the business sector and labor unions, its chief job to write rules to govern how business and labor relate to each other. But since President Obama took office he’s thrown out any pretense of his board being an unbiased arbiter and used this obscure agency to implement all sorts of illicit, union-favoring rules at the expense of business and economic recovery and often in direct violation of what the courts have ruled.


At long last, though, Obama’s NLRB is seeing its assumed powers questioned. The most recent reversal of fortunes occurred on April 7 when the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the NLRB’s poster rule with U.S. Circuit Judge A. Raymond Randolph ruing that the NLRB had exceeded its legal authority to force over 6 million employers to post signs advertising unions to employees. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://wizbangblog.com/2013/05/13/obamas-rogue-union-board-dealt-major-setbacks/

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Maybe Not? That's like saying the Atlantic Ocean is a bit moist. A flagrant violation of Godwin's Law.


Just because The Left published crap like this about George Bush, and so made themselve look like idiots. Are we on The Right under similar obligations to look/sound like fools?


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