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How Brave Statesmen Are Changing the Game To End Abortion


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The Failure of Pragmatism and Baby Steps


How Brave Statesmen Are Changing the Game To End Abortion


By: R. Clayton Strang (Diary) | January 28th, 2013 at 07:00 AM | 1

There are so many lies and misconceptions about the pro life and abortion abolition movements. I’m sure that you’ve heard them: Pro-lifers hate women and want them to die in alleys where they’ll have to go to get abortions with coat hangers. They’re against a woman’s right to “reproductive health,” whatever that’s supposed to mean. We want to pass law after law after law, chipping away at this so called “right” until one day, it just doesn’t exist anymore.

That last one is what I want to address. That particular misconception is one propagated by some of the pro-lifers themselves. The supposed intent is to take baby steps towards regulating the abortion industry out of existence. The reality is that these baby steps often do more harm than good.

Take, for example, parental notification laws. Notice that they’re not called “Parental Consent” laws. That’s a big concession to the abortionists in and of itself. The very name surrenders the rights of parents to the imagined right to “reproductive health.” Parents aren’t asked Scissors-32x32.png

Lastly, I would ask that you pray. Pray for the Statesmen and Women in your legislature, they need it. Pray that our nation would repent for the evil that we’ve committed though abortion. Pray as if lives depend on it, because they do. Scissors-32x32.png

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Divided by Abortion, United by Feminism




Published: January 26, 2013


IN 1942, 71 years before last week’s Pentagon decision allowing women on the front lines of combat, the United States government established the Women’s Army Corps, with Athena as its insignia, and welcomed our country’s first female military recruits.


One of these pioneering women was a corporal from Big Spring, Tex., named Nellie Gray. After the war ended, Gray finished college (with an assist from the G.I. Bill) and moved to Washington, D.C., where she worked for decades at the State Department and the Department of Labor, earning a law degree at night from Georgetown University along the way.

Then the social upheavals of the 1970s arrived, the soldier-turned-bureaucrat-turned-lawyer helped found one of America’s most enduring mass movements, establishing an annual protest march that continues to the present day.


That protest is the March for Life, the annual rally against Roe v. Wade. Scissors-32x32.png

Most anti-abortion Americans today are also gender egalitarians: Scissors-32x32.png


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MSNBC Host: Thank God and Country Abortion Was There to Save Me

Katie Pavlich

News Editor, Townhall

Jan 28, 2013 07:34 AM EST

We're used to MSNBC's Toure saying outlandish things, but his latest commentary in celebration of the 40t anniversary of Roe v. Wade is by far the worst. During a segment last week, Toure went on what he called an abortion rant in which he thanked God and country abortion was there to "save him" at a time when taking care of a baby and becoming a father would have been inconvenient for him. He also refers to abortion as a "safety net." Scissors-32x32.png


Got that? Toure was willing to end the life of an unborn child so his own life could remain convenient and less responsible. He's proud of it, too. His argument is similar to that of the one made in Salon last week titled, "So what if abortion ends a life?" Scissors-32x32.png



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Last Saturday, I asked a group of men, "How many lives have been taken by abortion, since Roe vs. Wade?"


Most of their guesses were under a million....and there was stunned silence after they were told, 54,000,000.


Since black abortion is around 60% of that total [even though blacks as in the American population are about 14%].....it means, around 32,400,000 black Americans were executed.


The old KKK & Margaret Sanger would be so happy.

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