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Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate


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Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate



by Stephen Lendman

o-called presidential debates are well-rehearsed, prescripted theater. Theater of the absurd best describes them. Election outcomes aren't influenced. They don't edify. They insult. Wednesday night was no exception.

Even some media scoundrels were underwhelmed. At least one was honest as far as his editors let him. London Guardian contributor Charles Ferguson headlined "America's duopoly of money in politics and manipulation of public opinion," saying

Behind the divisiveness lies a deeper bipartisan consensus in which donors own democracy and there are no votes (for) reform."

"Presidential campaigns aren't where you look for honest, serious" policy discussions. Candidates prefer "slogans." They steer clear of controversy.

"(S)ometimes, as with George W. Bush, we also get a moron." This election is different. We're "explicitly seeing the effects of America's new political duopoly" up close and personal.

It's not new. At most it's repackaged to look that way, but not to observers who know how things in America work.

Obama and Romney "completely (avoided or remained) dishonest about (key) economic issues." The bizarre was also evident. A Republican attacked a Democrat on unemployment. He, in turn, said give us more time. We'll fix things.

Obama's first term was spent wrecking them.

They avoided serious issues begging for discussion. They include "causes of the financial crisis; the lack of prosecution of banks and bankers; sharply rising inequality in educational opportunity, income and wealth (disparity)....the impact of industrialized food on" health and skyrocketing food and healthcare costs; budget deficits and national debt; disappearing jobs not being replaced, and war and peace. Scissors-32x32.png

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