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And from the "You Can't Make this Stuff Up" department....


Passing the newspaper stand at our grocery this morning, I spotted this banner headline from our local paper (LIBERAL minority editor and staff). This is such a laughable cliche that I'm surprised they didn't recognize it as such.


Of course as the sub-headline points out... this is a direct result of the GOP NC legislators cutting the inflate state budget. The whole story is victimology and there's no worry that these jobs were not needed in the first place.



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So 58% of those laid off where women and minorities. What percentage of the state government employees are women and minority?

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Very hard to figure out all the different numbers the article throws out but it seems like the % are based on 600 layoffs. "58 percent of those who lost their jobs in this budget year were women, contrasted with the fact that 47 percent of the workforce in state agencies was female before the cuts. Forty percent of the laid-off workers were minorities, although they only comprised 34 percent of the state agency workforce."


So if they have their calculations correct... 282 women should have been laid off, but 348 were. So 66 extra women out of a work force of...67,000.


Oh and this little tidbit is buried down in the article: "The AOC says that 162 of the 205 female employees leaving in this year's budget cuts left voluntarily." So more women than men likely left with voluntary severance packages than men. Is that a surprise?

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World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit


It's the common hell of our "Italian-cruise-ship-economy".....women, children & minorities last!

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The Magazine



Obamacare vs. the Catholics


The administration’s breach of faith.


Feb 13, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 21 • By JONATHAN V. LAST



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On the last weekend of January, priests in Catholic churches across America read extraordinary letters to their congregations. The missives informed the laity that President Obama and his administration had launched an assault on the church. In Virginia, Catholics heard from Bishop Paul Loverde, who wrote, “I am absolutely convinced that an unprecedented and very dangerous line has been crossed.” In Phoenix, Bishop Thomas Olmsted wrote, “We cannot​—​we will not​—​comply with this unjust law.” In Pittsburgh, Bishop David Zubik wrote that President Obama had told Catholics, “To Hell with your religious beliefs.” Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria asked his flock to join him in the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, which concludes: By the Divine Power of God / cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits / who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


thomas fluharty

It was a remarkable moment, in part because despite their stern reputation, most Catholic bishops are not terribly conservative. They tend to be politically liberal and socially cautious. If they were less holy men, stauncher conservatives would call them squishes. Real live conservative bishops are so few and far between that whenever one appears on the scene, such as Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput, he’s seen as a vaguely threatening curiosity. You can tell when a bishop is conservative because you will hear him referred to as “hardline” or “ultra-orthodox,” so as to mark him apart from the rest of the herd.

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Bill Whittle: Why appealing to independents is not the way to win


Posted by therightscoop.jpg The Right Scoop on February 3rd, 2012 in Politics | 145 Comments

Scissors-32x32.pngThere are times when you hear something so articulate and so well thought out that it just makes sense. And in the video below, Bill Whittle does exactly that in explaining why appealing to independents by moving to the center is not the way to win an election.


Here is his quote in full, but watch the whole video as both Whittle and Stephen Green (Vodkapundit) has some very interesting things to say as well about Obama and Romney, Democrats, and Karl Marx:



See, this is the problem with this entire theory. This entire theory is, you say, let’s appeal to independents but what do independents believe? They don’t believe in anything. I’m not calling them stupid, I’m just saying the fact that they are in the middle means they have no strong political conviction liberal or conservative.


You do not win elections by taking the conservatives in the middle. You win elections by bringing the middle over to conservatives. And the way you do that is by explaining your theory and your philosophy in a lucid enough fashion so that people can see the common sense of it, and see their own self interest and their own common sense around their own life experience [that] will naturally bring them to these ideas.

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So 58% of those laid off where women and minorities. What percentage of the state government employees are women and minority?

And the sad truth is that the state won't miss a beat without these employees. For too long the DEM dominated state legislature has grown budget and jobs with wreckless abandon... gotta get the voters hooked through either entitlements or government jobs.



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Florida woman blames her 'big breasts' for failing sobriety test



JENSEN BEACH, FLA. – A Florida woman facing DUI charges told arresting officers that her "big breasts" were responsible for her failing a sobriety test, according to a police report cited Friday by WTVJ-TV.

Maureen Jane Raymond, from Port St. Lucie, about 110 miles north of Miami, was arrested in Jensen Beach on Jan. 29 after she was noticed traveling at speed and crossing the yellow double line before parking in two spots outside a drug store.

According to the report, a deputy smelled alcohol on the 49-year-old and noticed she had slurred speech, glassy eyes and staggered when she walked.

"When I told her we were going to do some roadside tasks she told me that I needed to understand that she is big-chested and if I asked her to close her eyes and balance she is not going to balance well," the deputy wrote.

"She told me 'big breast you don't balance well.'"Scissors-32x32.png



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Bill Whittle: Why appealing to independents is not the way to win


Posted by therightscoop.jpg The Right Scoop on February 3rd, 2012 in Politics | 145 Comments

Scissors-32x32.pngThere are times when you hear something so articulate and so well thought out that it just makes sense. And in the video below, Bill Whittle does exactly that in explaining why appealing to independents by moving to the center is not the way to win an election.


Here is his quote in full, but watch the whole video as both Whittle and Stephen Green (Vodkapundit) has some very interesting things to say as well about Obama and Romney, Democrats, and Karl Marx:



See, this is the problem with this entire theory. This entire theory is, you say, let’s appeal to independents but what do independents believe? They don’t believe in anything. I’m not calling them stupid, I’m just saying the fact that they are in the middle means they have no strong political conviction liberal or conservative.


You do not win elections by taking the conservatives in the middle. You win elections by bringing the middle over to conservatives. And the way you do that is by explaining your theory and your philosophy in a lucid enough fashion so that people can see the common sense of it, and see their own self interest and their own common sense around their own life experience [that] will naturally bring them to these ideas.


Great article. Nails it. You win people to your side when you convince them that your side is right.

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Big labor plans 'Occupy CPAC'


A practice run for the general election? Nah, The Left would never do anything like that. They are all about civility and free speech.


Don't forget choice.


Choice is good only in some cases. Choice in voting to keep a union or not is bad, choice on if you should get an abortion (and have the tax payers pay for it) is very very good.

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A headline on CNN.com:



"Obesity epidemic strikes U.S. pets"


http://www.cnn.com/2....html?hpt=hp_c3 (Source)



They came for the salt. Then they came for the sugar. Then our fat kids. And now our fat pets. They are preparing us to live like the North Koreans.


Well lets see. Americans suck. Their kids suck. Their pets suck. Their lifestyle sucks. Their job market sucks. Their laws suck. Their benefits suck. Their congress sucks.


Only their journalists rock. Now those people, they have it together. rolleyes.gif



I wonder why people are still trying to get in.

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Real live conservative bishops are so few and far between that whenever one appears on the scene, such as Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput, he’s seen as a vaguely threatening curiosity. You can tell when a bishop is conservative because you will hear him referred to as “hardline” or “ultra-orthodox,” so as to mark him apart from the rest of the herd.

I wish we had him back.....he's destined to move up to Cardinal someday. We still don't have an Archbishop.....could take another year.

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