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CAUGHT ON TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan, Crash The Stock Market, And Redistribute Wealth In America


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Business Insider:

A former official of one of the country's most-powerful unions, SEIU, is detailing a secret plan to "destabilize" the country.

Specifically, the plan seeks to destroy JP Morgan, nuke the stock market, and weaken Wall Street's grip on power, thus creating the conditions necessary for a redistribution of wealth and a change in government.

The former SEIU official, Stephen Lerner, spoke in a closed session at a Pace University forum last weekend.

The Blaze procured what appears to be a tape of Lerner's remarks. Many Americans will undoubtely sympathize with and support them. Still, the "destabilization" plan is startling in its specificity, especially coming so close on the heels of the financial crisis.

Lerner said that unions and community organizations are, for all intents and purposes, dead. The only way to achieve their goals, therefore--the redistribution of wealth and the return of "$17 trillion" stolen from the middle class by Wall Street--is to "destabilize the country."

Lerner's plan is to organize a mass, coordinated "strike" on mortgage, student loan, and local government debt payments--thus bringing the banks to the edge of insolvency and forcing them to renegotiate the terms of the loans. This destabilization and turmoil, Lerner hopes, will also crash the stock market, isolating the banking class and allowing for a transfer of power.

Lerner's plan starts by attacking JP Morgan Chase in early May, with demonstrations on Wall Street, protests at the annual shareholder meeting, and then calls for a coordinated mortgage strike.

Lerner also says explicitly that, although the attack will benefit labor unions, it cannot be seen as being organized by them. It must therefore be run by community organizations.snip
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IMO this is going to require a tremendous amount of cooperation among the general populace. And I don't think they will be able to get it.


If they were to do what is suggested, their credit would be ruined and they wouldn't qualify for whatever result they are trying to achieve. Whoever is loaning money would want to see their credit worthiness I would think.


And who is the 'we' in 'we want our money back'?


I didn't listen to Beck's radio show but his 5PM TV show may be interesting. Not really sure I will buy his gloom and doom though.

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The unions, specifically the public sector unions, know that a "reckoning" is coming. They have bargained themselves into contracts that are not sustainable; during a period of high economic growth. The pressure will be on the unions, as prices rise for everything, and budgets for federal, state & municipal governments look for cuts. SEIU is a behemoth, that supports a top-heavy command & control; as well as needing plenty-o-loot for their bribing lobbying efforts. They cannot afford to lose their union dues [or as with Wisconsin, have the state stop collecting them] and they will do anything [just as Dem/progressives will] to keep their power.


If you believe in the power of the collective above all else......you are a communist or a socialist. Your loyalties do not lie with a capitalist Constitutional Republic; so it's not hard to make that jump to destroying the same.


Stephen Lerner is a kind of "cut-out" to minimize any blowback to SEIU, should his efforts go awry. He tried the same thing while in the SEIU & when he started to receive unwanted attention, he was "sacrificed," but he still does the evil bidding of his masters.


My hope is that there will be more Wisconsin's & more Sodexo [Hunton & Williams food group] RICO filings against SEIU, to combat their union Thugocracy.


Sodexo RICO charges against SEIU


Edited to add link & correct spelling + punctuation.

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IMO this is going to require a tremendous amount of cooperation among the general populace. And I don't think they will be able to get it.

The end result will likely being a lot of SEIU members with bad credit and nothing else.

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I watched Glenn Beck's TV program on FNC Tuesday afternoon. He did a great job of revealing this story, without getting hysterical.


He did get off topic a few times, but still managed to get back to the main subject and communicate the potential danger of what the labor unions (led by SEIU) hope to do to create economic chaos for the US.


The audio of Lerner's statements was played, along with visuals of the text. Beck had a live audience and it seemed that the people were stunned at what they were hearing and seeing.


I consider it to be one of Beck's best programs, as it wasn't "preachy" but very informative instead.


If people elected to the House and Senate don't begin hearings to investigate this quickly, I will be very disappointed. We all know that Eric Holder of the DOJ will do nothing, as he and his boss fully support whatever damage the labor unions can do to the US economy. It's the way of Communism, after all.

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