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David Brooks’ case for government funding for public broadcasting: ‘To assimilate people’


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Daily Caller:

What would American culture be without “PBS Newshour,” “Antiques Roadshow,” and “This Old House?” Forget about “American Idol,” Justin Bieber or the Major League Baseball because according to New York Times columnist and PBS contributor David Brooks a common culture might not be possible without the essential ingredients of public broadcasting.

In the wake of an indicting undercover video showing a now-former NPR executive making the case his company could survive without federal funding, Brooks appeared on Sunday’s “The Chris Matthews Show” and made the argument as to why the government should fund public broadcasting. His argument: To assimilate people.

“Here’s the case: You know we have a common culture,” Brooks said. “If we’re going to assimilate people, if we’re going to be one nation – it helps to have a common culture. There’s some things that do join us. And government has some role in help creating those things, in funding the things that join us.”

Brooks likened public broadcasting to the Smithsonian and said it was worth the small amount of money from the U.S. Treasury.snip
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NPR needs to go as far as public funding, but PBS has its niche. I don't agree that PBS has a right to public funding, but I do give it some credit. I was raised on PBS. Nature shows, sesame street, life on earth, etc.


I frankly don't think our country should be in the television industry, but if it would stay apolitical, I don't mind PBS being funded. At the same time, if these shows are so great, they should be scooped up by other stations. I honestly think that they won't. Where's the profit in educative TV?

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I was raised on PBS. Nature shows, sesame street, life on earth, etc.

Yup... It's a different day though. We now have The Discovery Channel, The Science Channel, Nickelodeon, BBC American...etc that all seem to provide good content without federal funding.


BTW, PBS seems to live off 20 year old reruns or a new concert/event that is peppered with 50% fund raising please every time it's played.


Along with NPR, let them suck eggs. JMO

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I expected a reply like that NCT. I'm completely out of touch with PBS. I wouldn't be surprised if Elmo is teaching proper condom usage. I don't watch that anymore, but it once was a good channel.

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“Here’s the case: You know we have a common culture,” Brooks said. “If we’re going to assimilate people, if we’re going to be one nation – it helps to have a common culture. There’s some things that do join us. And government has some role in help creating those things, in funding the things that join us.”


Where have I heard something similar to that? Ah, yes:


"We are the Borg, you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." :rolleyes:

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On one of James O'Keefe's latest NPR "interviews," a mid-level NPR female exec. [betsey Liley] admits that she would take a $5 million dollar check under the table [from some undercover MB "muslims"]and hide it from the US government.


Then an NPR board member [sue Schardt] admitted, during a February board public comment meeting; that NPR is slanted for about 11% of the US population...."predominately white, liberal, highly educated elite."


Given just those two things, I ask, what do they hope to accomplish with David Brook's type of federally funded assimilation?


Redistributive progressive sharia socialism?


I can imagine the perfect liberal assimilation: 11% of the ruling class, plus a few blacks to keep from seeming too racist & then the vast mass of the rest of us.........as Soylent Green.

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