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State says damage to marble at Capitol could hit $7.5 million


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Madison - State officials said Thursday that damage to the marble inside and out the State Capitol would cost an estimated $7.5 million.

Cari Anne Renlund, chief legal counsel for the state Department of Administration, said in Dane County court that estimates of damage to marble includes $6 million to repair damaged marble inside the Capitol, $1 million for damage outside and $500,000 for costs to supervise the damage.

Much of the damage apparently has come from tape used to put up signs and placards at the Capitol.

It was not immediately clear how the estimates were made, though the state is apparently relying on opinions by historical architects, one of whom works for the U.S. Park Service.

One concern is the residue from tape that the state says is causing damage to stone and other surfaces inside the Capitol.

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Nice, seriously, I don't support Walker or what he stands for, but this has got to stop and closed hours enforced too. Sounds like a lot of money for tape damage though, then again there would be no point for this person to be disgenuine.


The above quote is from "Doc Otto" in the comments section. I'm dying to post: "It's so expensive because the state is required to hire union labor as part of the public union's collective bargaining agreement. :lol:


This is shameful. Makes me feel sick. What a WASTE of taxpayer money. If not doing their jobs wasn't enough, they have to damage the people's house.


Edited to add: Most of the comments think these numbers are made up and they can just use "goo off" or alcohol on rags to clean up the marble. Can I just say...don't let these people anywhere near my house!

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The original estimates were from experts just guessing from pictures. When they actually got in there after the mob left, they have pared that done to $750,000-quite a difference-but I still think the unions should pick up the tab-not the taxpayers.


Edited to add-I think that Governor Doyle spent about 164 mil during his administration to refurbish the capitol. The marble ornamentation, floors and wood are all very old. Part of what they were afraid of in fixing it up and removing tape etc, was not to destroy the patina and it not match the rest.

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