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Madison and the Schoolkids


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American Thinker:

Eleven hundred Wisconsin teachers called in "sick" recently. It was the only way to "legally" strike without breaking their no-strike contract clause. I, for my part -- like a programmed product of the government-run educational system -- threw my shoes on, ate my healthy "war against obesity" breakfast, and waited for my "sick" teacher to pick me up on her way to the protest.

But yesterday turned out to be a tough day for me.

I waited...and waited...and waited. My teacher never came. The pile of books on my desk jolted me back to reality. My teacher wouldn't be going to the protest today. Her agenda includes math, science, history, and English -- not comparing Governor Scott Walker to Hitler and calling him the "Mussolini of the Midwest." My teacher's classroom is her home, and she isn't part of a government union. Therefore, she can't just lie about her health and flout her job requirements. Nor can she use company time and money to further her own political agenda. Her adolescent students will not be taken out of school today.

Unlike my lucky friends over at the public school, my chemistry test will not be postponed. It's not making me happy, either.

I will not have the opportunity to picket legislators' houses. My education for the day will not include rioting inside the sacred chambers of government. Adults wont be handing me magic markers to write "F*#$ Walker" on the walls of the State Capitol, or toilet paper to carefully clog the toilets. Most disappointing of all, I won't get to watch police search the capitol to find and force errant members of the Senate Democrat caucus to return to the chamber. My teacher taught me Wisconsin government well. I know that twenty senators are needed to convene. I also learned in math class that thirty-three minus fourteen equals nineteen. With all fourteen Democrats absent, the Senate is at a standstill. And I'm not there to see it.snip
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