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State Budget Battles Herald the Return of the Grown-Ups


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Pajamas Media:

Behold the return of the grown-ups.

Neither the first caucus nor first primary has been held. No Republican candidates have yet to declare formally. Who will face off against the union-label community organizer-in-chief? That’s not really important. Because the whole country recognizes that the presidential kick-off is taking place right now in state budget battles across the Midwest.

And Governor Scott Walker has already set the tone. Following in the wake of firm resolve set by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Walker is taking the tough stands long demanded by the people of the states — but conspicuously avoided by the adolescent debt-enabling politicians of both parties. On their heels, and soon to be spotlighted in the public psyche, are Governors Kasich and Daniels, among a swath of others.

During the last presidential election, we saw the most widespread adolescent display in American history. Throngs of wild-eyed fawners and fainters joined hands and chanted, “Yes we can march off this cliff,” as though there were no tomorrow. Formerly presumed intelligent media elites were reduced to a teenage-swoon mentality the minute Barack Obama entered their midst. A man with a postage-stamp sized resume held a majority of modern Americans enthralled with nothing more than teleprompted oratory, giddy-girl-crush syndrome, yellow-brick-road finance wizardry, and Jack-and-the-Beanstalk promises. And the whole Obama bag of fibs and tricks depended on that fantastical pot of gold over the rainbow actually being there.

Has ever such a nation of ninnies held such a public display of foolishness?snip
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