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The Jimmy Carter Chronicles


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American Spectator:

For those of you not entirely certain about where to stand on a complex, dynamic situation in Egypt, fear no more: Jimmy Carter has waded in to add both clarity and certainty.

"I think that the Muslim Brotherhood is not anything to be afraid of," Carter told a wide-eyed, admiring university audience in Austin, Texas. The man who presided over the replacement of the Shah with the world's worst theocratic-terror state confidently predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood "will be subsumed in the overwhelming demonstration of desire for freedom and democracy."

If you weren't entirely sure about whether to fear the collapse of Hosni Mubarak, be afraid now -- very, very afraid. Jimmy Carter's record on these things does not exactly inspire optimism.

As a service to my fellow Americans, I thought I'd offer this quick review of Carter's appraisal of previous regimes, dictators, and murderers, from the Soviet Union to the Middle East to the Far East. Let's start with the Evil Empire:

In the immediate days after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in late December 1979, President Carter responded with shock and a sense of deep, palpable betrayal. After all, he and Leonid Brezhnev, just six months earlier, at the Vienna Summit, had literally hugged and kissed. Why would the Soviets do this?snip
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