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Gresham’s Green Law


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Front Page Magazine:

The U.S. Secretaries of Interior and Energy Feb. 7 announced plans to fast-track four offshore areas for wind farms, with future wind structures off the coasts of several more states. This could be a disastrous error at a time of oil supply uncertainty. As King Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes, this is a futile “grasping at the wind.”

The government could issue leases for four new East Coast wind farms by year’s end, the Associated Press reported. The Interior Department said the sites it has identified are off the shores of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey. In coming years, plans are to put wind turbines hundreds of miles at sea out from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, North Carolina, Hawaii, and even in the Great Lakes.

The National Wind Strategy acknowledges that financing these far-at-sea turbines in the Outer Continental Shelf will be an unknown expense. But the Strategy states that “financing could amount to roughly half of the cost” of obtaining the wind energy.

The Department of Energy plans initially to spend more than $50 million to begin to try to meet Barack Obama’s impossible goal of generating 80 percent of the country’s electricity from clean energy sources by 2035.

To put things in perspective, only 11 percent of the electricity was generated from renewable sources in 2009, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).In its Annual Energy Outlook 2011 (published in December) EIA predicts only 56 percent of electricity will be generated by not only renewables but also by natural gas and nuclear sources in the next 25 years—far below the President’s boundless wishes.snip
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"Barack Obama’s impossible goal of generating 80 percent of the country’s electricity from clean energy sources by 2035."


Barack should have set the goal to be 100%. He'd have as much chance of that being reached.

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Considering Commander Sputnik is in charge...



Rush just now:


"We're talking windmills and trains and it's 2011"

ROFL laughing


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