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Time to Take a Stand Against Multiculturalism


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Human Events:

A week after British Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a cogent and impassioned speech on the perils of political correctness and multiculturalism in combating Islamic extremism, Rep. Peter King (R.-N.Y.) refused to kowtow to pressure by Democrats and outside organizations that tried to force him into holding more “politically correct” hearings next month on the threat of Islamic extremism within the United States.

Critics of the scheduled hearing wanted King to broaden the list of those who are going to testify to include non-Arab and non-Islamic witnesses. Further, they wanted King to focus on non-Islamic groups such as radical environmentalists that these critics feel also pose a threat to the United States.

On Tuesday, King wrote to the ranking minority member of the Committee on Homeland Security, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D.-Miss.), who had written King to ask him to expand the hearings to include “a broad-based examination of domestic extremist groups regardless of their ideological underpinnings.”

King wrote back, “In short, the homeland has become a major front in the war with Islamic terrorism and it is our responsibility to fully examine this significant change in al-Qaeda tactics and strategy. To include other groups such as neo-Nazis and extreme environmentalists in this hearing would be extraneous and diffuse its efficacy. It would also send the false message that our Committee believes there is any threat equivalency between these disparate groups and Islamist terrorism.”snip
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