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Jeremiah Wright Teaching at the University of Chicago


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American Thinker:

Jeremiah Wright teaching at Univ. of Chicago
Ed Lasky

The institution which found Barack Obama capable of teaching constitutional law, also finds Rev. Jeremiah Wright classroom-worthy. Maureen Callahan of the New York Post reports on some of what the Rev is teaching at the Chicago Theological Seminary, on the U of C campus:

During a five-day seminar Wright taught last week at the University of Chicago, he was back at it, claiming that whites and Jews are controlling the flow of worldwide information and oppressing blacks in Israel and America.

"White folk done took this country," Wright said. "You're in their home, and they're gonna let you know it."

The course, advertised as focusing on politics and public policy in South Africa and America, was taught in a small, ground-floor room at the Chicago Theological Seminary on the university campus, where Wright's voice echoed out an open window. The class was composed of about 15 to 20 students, mainly older African-American women who would arrive early and giddily linger during lunch breaks and after class, looking for the reverend's attention. (The course cost a little over $1,000 if taken for college credit and $300 if taken without.)

The absence of young people was telling: The lectures seemed ossified, relics of a pre-civil-rights America

Contrary to what was said by him and his handlers in 2008, Barack Obama said in 2004 in a Sun-Times interview that he went quite often to hear Wright speak.
These days, he says, he attends the 11 a.m. Sunday service at Trinity in the Brainerd neighborhood every week -- or at least as many weeks as he is able. His pastor, Wright, has become a close confidant.

Obama also called Wright his mentor, his moral compass, his sounding board on matters of politics. The only "charity" he gave money to before becoming a US Senator. The inspiration for the term "Audacity of Hope"; has his young daughters listening to Wright since they were toddlers.

Wright's anti-Israel, anti-American, and ant-white views were well broadcast in 2008. He later made outright anti-Semitic statements when he accused the "Jews" surrounding Obama from keeping him away from President Obama.

Where was the media then and where is the media now?
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