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Slipping a Mickey to California Dems


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National Review Online:

After Lyndon Johnson was elected to Congress in 1937, he got word that a liberal magazine, The New Republic, was going to profile him alongside other New Deal stalwarts. Johnson was horrified. He called a friend from the International Labor Organization and begged her to find some prominent labor figure to repudiate him. If “they put out that . . . I’m a liberal hero up here,” LBJ sputtered, “I’ll get killed. You’ve got to find somebody to denounce me!”

Alas, Mickey Kaus, the blogger-turned-candidate running in California’s Democratic Senate primary, has even bigger problems. At least LBJ was already in office.

The biggest favor I could do for Kaus would be to denounce him with a full-throated blast of right-wing dragon fire. But I can’t do it. I just like and admire the guy too much.

The balding, often disheveled, late-middle-aged blogger is running against Sen. Barbara Boxer in the Democratic primary. The bad news: The Los Angeles Times (for which I write) couldn’t bring itself to endorse Kaus, because he “gives no indication that he would step up to the job and away from his Democratic-gadfly persona.” The good news is that the paper couldn’t bring itself to endorse Boxer either. After Boxer’s nearly 18 years in office as one of America’s highest-profile senators, helping to oversee the near-implosion of her state, the Times concluded that she “displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could.”

I loved that. Is she keeping her “firepower” in reserve? Are there large stockpiles of secret intellectual firepower that U.N. inspectors don’t know about?

More seriously, if ever there was a time when the Democratic party needed gadflies, this is it.

Kaus’s gadflyness is mostly to be found in two issues, illegal immigration and unions — and the inability of either party to do what most Americans want on those issues. “Everybody wants to secure the borders first,” Kaus says. Then, when the problem is under control, we can talk about one last amnesty and how generous our legal immigration system should be. “But neither party will do that . . . neither party is listening.”

“Most people want to fire bad teachers,” he observes. But we can’t. “The implication is the unions are in control. Deal with it.”

One mystery: Why has it fallen to Kaus and his well-worn keyboard to challenge Boxer? Given the state’s enormous problems, Boxer’s lockstep liberalism (“You will search in vain for any deviation from Democratic orthodoxy” in Boxer’s record, says Kaus), and the anti-incumbent mood in America, you would think a more serious and ambitious politician would step into the breach. After all, everywhere you look across the political landscape, incumbents are in trouble — except California.

Is Mickey Kaus tilting at windmills-or could he be the little blogger that could?
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