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State Rep. Dutton Renews Uphill Fight To Abolish the Death Penalty


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State Rep. Dutton Renews Uphill Fight To Abolish the Death Penalty

Every legislative session since 2003, Harold Dutton of Houston has filed at least one bill to end capital punishment in Texas. It’s often been a lonely quest, but he may be making headway.


Andrew Schneider

| Posted on January 23, 2017, 6:44 AM (Last Updated: January 24, 2017, 11:39 AM)


Texas is set to carry out its second execution of the year this week, barring a last minute reprieve. There are another seven planned by July. The use of the death penalty has been on the decline in Texas in recent years. But one state representative from Houston has made it his mission to end it all together


Harold Dutton’s law office sits two stories above the Main Street rail line in Midtown. One morning in 2002 he was drinking a cup of coffee and reading his daily paper, “and it talked about an execution that had taken place. And it said that it did it in the name of Texas,” he says. “And I thought, ‘Oh, that’s me.’ And so they did it in my name.”


The idea really bothered him. “And I said, ‘I really don’t want them doing it in my name.’ Scissors-32x32.png


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