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Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.

Alexis de Tocqueville


Via MyMuseShankedMe

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Soledad O’Brien On Taking Money From Qatar’s Al Jazeera

Hugh Hewitt


Soledad O’Brien was my guest today to promote her special tomorrow on one PTSD program, “The War Comes Home,” which airs on CNN Tuesday night at 9 PM.


I took the opportunity to ask her about this Business Week article on Qatar, which owns and funds the other network O’Brien works for, Al Jazeera, and which also funds Islamist terror.



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Soledad O’Brien On Taking Money From Qatar’s Al Jazeera

Hugh Hewitt


Soledad O’Brien was my guest today to promote her special tomorrow on one PTSD program, “The War Comes Home,” which airs on CNN Tuesday night at 9 PM.


I took the opportunity to ask her about this Business Week article on Qatar, which owns and funds the other network O’Brien works for, Al Jazeera, and which also funds Islamist terror.




@Valin. Perverted, progressive, pretzel logic.

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From my e-mail:



Advice from an Israeli Agent


Juval Aviv was the Israeli Agent upon whom the movie 'Munich' was based. He was (Prime Minister) Golda Meir's bodyguard, and she appointed him to track down and bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who took the Israeli athletes hostage and killed them during the Munich Olympic Games.


In a lecture in New York City he shared information that EVERY American needs to know -- but that our government has not yet shared with us.


He predicted the London subway bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox News stating publicly that it would happen within a week. At the time, O'Reilly laughed, and mocked him saying that in a week he wanted him back on the show. Unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had occurred.


Juval Aviv gave intelligence (via what he had gathered in Israel and the Middle East) to the Bush Administration about 9/11, a month before it occurred. His report specifically said they would use planes as bombs and target high profile buildings and monuments.


Congress has since hired him as a security consultant.


Now for his future predictions.


He predicts the next terrorist attack on the U.S. will occur within the next few months.


Forget hijacking airplanes, because he says terrorists will NEVER try and hijack a plane again as they know the people onboard will never go down quietly again. Aviv believes our airport security is a joke -- that we have been reactionary rather than proactive in developing strategies that are truly effective.


For example:


1) Our airport technology is outdated. We look for metal, and the new explosives are made of plastic.


2) He talked about how some idiot tried to light his shoe on fire. Because of that, now everyone has to take off their shoes. A group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which point, security will have us all traveling naked!


Every strategy we have is reactionary.


3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates.


Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are checking in. It would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel, security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.


Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate. (i.e., Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, big cities (New York, San Francisco, Chicago, etc.) and that it will also include shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as, rural America this time. The hinterlands (Wyoming, Montana, etc.).


The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country (terrorists like big impact), involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas.


Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.


Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U. S. Government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts. The world is quickly going to become 'a different place', and issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will become totally irrelevant.


On an encouraging note, he says that Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked.


Aviv says the terrorists who want to destroy America will not use sophisticated weapons. They like to use suicide as a front-line approach. It's cheap, it's easy, it's effective; and they have an infinite abundance of young militants more than willing to 'meet their destiny'.


He also says the next level of terrorists, over which America should be most concerned, will not be coming from abroad. But will be, instead, 'homegrown', having attended and been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U.S. He says to look for 'students' who frequently travel back and forth to the Middle East. These young terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't know/understand a thing about them.


Aviv says that, as a people, Americans are unaware and uneducated about the terrorist threats we will inevitably face. America still has only a handful of Arabic and Farsi speaking people in our intelligence networks, and Aviv says it is critical that we change that fact SOON.


So, what can America do to protect itself?


From an intelligence perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needs to stop relying on satellites and technology for intelligence.


We need to, instead, follow Israel's, Ireland's and England's hands-on examples of human intelligence, both from an infiltration perspective as well as to pay attention to, and trust 'aware' citizens to help. We need to engage and educate ourselves as citizens; however, our U. S. government continues to treat us, its citizens, 'like babies'. Our government thinks we 'can't handle the truth' and are concerned that we'll panic if we understand the realities of terrorism. Aviv says this is a deadly mistake.


Aviv recently created & executed a security test for our Congress, by placing an empty briefcase in five well-traveled spots in five major cities. The results? Not one person called 911 or sought a policeman to check the unattended briefcase out. In fact, in Chicago, someone tried to steal the briefcase!


In comparison, Aviv says that citizens of Israel are so well 'trained' that an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds by citizen(s) who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!' The area would be quickly & calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.


Unfortunately, America hasn't been yet 'hurt enough' by terrorism for their government to fully understand the need to educate its citizens or for the government to understand that it's their citizens who are, inevitably, the best first-line of defense against terrorism. (Citizens are NOW the first line of defense on a hijacked airplane!)

Aviv also was concerned about the high number of children here in America who were in preschool and kindergarten after 9/11, who were 'lost' without parents being able to pick them up, and our schools that had no plan in place to best care for the students until parents could get there. (In New York City, this was days, in some cases!)

Aviv says that the U. S. government has in force a plan, that in the event of another terrorist attack, EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, blackberries, etc., will immediately be cut-off, as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated. (i.e. The government will shut off the cellular network in an attack!)


Does your family know what to do if you can't contact one another by phone?


Where would you gather in an emergency?


He says we should all have a plan that is easy enough for even our youngest children to remember and follow.


How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot speak to each other? You need to have a plan.

He stresses the importance of having a plan, that's agreed upon within your family, of how to respond in the event of a terrorist emergency.


He urges parents to contact their children's schools and demand that the schools too, develop plans of actions, just as they do in Israel.


If you understand, and believe what you have just read, then you must feel compelled to send this to every concerned parent, guardian, grandparents, uncles, aunts, whomever.


Don't stop there.


In addition to sharing this via e-mail, contact and discuss this information with whomever it makes sense to.


Make contingency plans with those you care about. Better that you have plans in place, and never have to use them, then to have no plans in place, and find you needed them.

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Well, if death comes in three's we have #2. Lauren Bacall has died. RIP. At last she will be back with Bogart, the love of her life.

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Quote from Winston Churchill's, “The River War.” http://themellowjihadi.com/2014/08/11/winston-churchill-the-river-war/



Winston Churchill-1948


A quote from an 1899 book by Winston Churchill, “The River War,” in which he describes Muslims observed during Kitchener’s campaign in the Sudan: Poetic license below, by person unknown


“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity."


“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science – the science against which it had vainly struggled – the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”


TheMellowJihadi via TheoSpark

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Caliphate puts men to the meat-grinder



General William Tecumseh Sherman burned the city of Atlanta in 1864. He warned: "I fear the world will jump to the wrong conclusion that because I am in Atlanta the work is done. Far from it. We must kill three hundred thousand I have told you of so often, and the further they run the harder for us to get them." Add a zero to calibrate the problem in the Levant today. War in the Middle East is less a strategic than a demographic phenomenon, whose resolution will come with the exhaustion of the pool of potential fighters.


The Middle East has plunged into a new Thirty Years War, allows Richard Haass, the president of the Council of Foreign Relations. "It is a region wracked by religious struggle between competing traditions of the faith. But the conflict is also between militants and moderates, fueled by neighboring rulers seeking to defend their interests and increase their influence. Conflicts take place within and between states; civil wars and proxy wars become impossible to distinguish. Governments often forfeit control to smaller groups - militias and the like - operating within and across borders. The loss of life is devastating, and millions are rendered homeless," he wrote on July 21.


Well and good: I predicted in 2006 that the George W Bush administration's blunder would provoke another Thirty Years War in the region, and repeated the diagnosis many times since. But I doubt that Mr Haass (or Walter Russell Mead, who cited the Haass article) has given sufficient thought to the implications.


How does one handle wars of this sort? In 2008 I argued for a "Richelovian" foreign policy, that is, emulation of the evil genius who guided France to victory at the conclusion of the Thirty Years War in 1648. Wars of this sort end when two generations of fighters are killed. They last for decades (as did the Peloponnesian War, the Napoleonic Wars and the two World Wars of the 20th century) because one kills off the fathers die in the first half of the war, and the sons in the second.


This new Thirty Years War has its origins in a demographic peak and an economic trough. There are nearly 30 million young men aged 15 to 24 in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, a bulge generation produced by pre-modern fertility rates that prevailed a generation ago. But the region's economies cannot support them. Syria does not have enough water to support an agricultural population, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of farmers into tent cities preceded its civil war. The West mistook the death spasms of a civilization for an "Arab Spring," and its blunders channeled the youth bulge into a regional war.



The way to win such a war is by attrition, that is, by feeding into the meat-grinder a quarter to a third of the enemy's available manpower. Once a sufficient number of who wish to fight to the death have had the opportunity to do so, the war stops because there are insufficient recruits to fill the ranks. That is how Generals Grant and Sherman fought the American Civil War, and that is the indicated strategy in the Middle East today.


It is a horrible business. It was not inevitable. It came about because of the ideological rigidity of the Bush Administration compounded by the strategic withdrawal of the Obama administration. It could have been avoided by the cheap and simple expedient of bombing Iran's nuclear program and Revolutionary Guards bases, followed by an intensive subversion effort aimed at regime change in Teheran. Former Vice President Dick Cheney advocated this course of action, but then Secretary of State Condileeza Rice persuaded Bush that the Muslim world would never forgive America for an attack on another Muslim state.


The Pentagon, meanwhile, warned Bush that America's occupation army in Iraq had become hostage to Iranian retaliation: if America bombed Iran, Iran could exact vengeance in American blood in the cities of Iraq.


The Bush Administration was too timid to take on Iraq; the Obama administration views Iran as a prospective ally.


Even Neville Chamberlain did not regard Hitler as prospective partner in European security. But that is what Barack Obama said in March to journalist Jeffrey Goldberg: "What I'll say is that if you look at Iranian behavior, they are strategic, and they're not impulsive. They have a worldview, and they see their interests, and they respond to costs and benefits. And that isn't to say that they aren't a theocracy that embraces all kinds of ideas that I find abhorrent, but they're not North Korea. They are a large, powerful country that sees itself as an important player on the world stage, and I do not think has a suicide wish, and can respond to incentives."


Bush may have been feckless, but Obama is mad.


Three million men will have to die before the butchery comes to an end. That is roughly the number of men who have nothing to go back to, and will fight to the death rather than surrender.


ISIS by itself is overrated.


It is a hoard enhanced by captured heavy weapons, but cannot fly warplanes in a region where close air support is the decisive factor in battle. The fighters of the Caliphate cannot hide under the jungle canopy like the North Vietnamese. They occupy terrain where aerial reconnaissance can identify every stray cat. The Saudi and Jordanian air forces are quite capable of defending their borders. Saudi Arabia has over 300 F-15's and 72 Typhoons, and more than 80 Apache attack helicopters. Jordan has 60 F16's as well as 25 Cobra attack helicopters. The putative Caliphate can be contained; it cannot break out into Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and it cannot advance far into the core Shia territory of Iraq. It can operate freely in Syria, in a war of attrition with the Iranian backed government army. The grim task of regional security policy is to channel the butchery into areas that do not threaten oil production or transport.


Ultimately, ISIS is a distraction. The problem is Iran.




AsiaTimesOnline via TheoSpark


Edited to add:


People are going to be dying in the Levant.


Right now, Christians, Yazidis and Muslims of the wrong branch [along with Hindu's, Buddhist's and any others, not jihadi] are doing the majority of "the dying."


Most of all....innocents are dying.


We need a plan, that can encourage the "right" people to die...and it won't happen while Valerie Jarret is at the helm. JMO

Edited by SrWoodchuck
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How Democrats Sound When They Are Losing Badly
John Hinderaker
August 13, 2014

“Losing badly” was the subject line on yesterday’s email from MoveOn.org. It’s a real day-brightener, if you’re a Republican:

Subject: Losing badly

Dear MoveOn member,

If you haven’t been paying attention to the midterm elections yet, here’s a quick update: Democrats are losing. Badly.


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How an arbitrary number broke the internet yesterday http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/11030725/How-an-arbitrary-number-broke-the-internet-yesterday.html


Ageing machines which control the internet were designed with an arbitrary limit to the amount of data they could handle. Yesterday, we hit that limit, says Matthew Sparkes


You may have noticed yesterday that your internet connection was rather sluggish, or perhaps went down entirely. You were not alone: problems were reported around the world. We even had issues here at the Telegraph.


Auction site eBay, for instance, collapsed for much of the day. The company has not explained the exact nature of the problem, but admitted in a statement that “technical experts identified this was due to upstream Internet Service Provider (ISP) issues”. Password manager LastPass was also affected, leaving customers locked out of their accounts.


The issue, according to many experts, was with something called the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). You may never have heard of it, but it is absolutely vital to the operation of the internet and is causing large problems.


BGP is what tier-one ISPs, your last-mile ISP and various large networks use to route data from their own machines to others, and vice versa. When you visit a website, that data bounces all over the world, through machines belonging to all manner of companies and organisations. To make this work, machines called routers (large commercial versions of what you have at home) keep a table of known, trusted routes through the tangled web.


This routing table has been constantly growing in size as the internet expands and becomes more complex – more information needs to be stored in order to allow the router to bounce data to the correct destination along a logical route. Until late 2001, the size of the table was growing exponentially, which was clearly unsustainable. A big effort to implement more efficient methods was made which temporarily slowed expansion. But it didn’t last long.





TheTelegraph via TheoSpark

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Four illegals kidnap woman in Los Angeles



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